Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Darkest Hour (2017)

Winston Churchill: Nations which go down fighting rise again, and those that surrender tamely are finished.

(I will try to write in my best and most succinct Churchill.)

Words are the only thing required to be in a fight. The tongue is the most savage weapon man possess. Words take wind and bring tyrants to ignoble ends.

As to the film Darkest Hour, I found it false advertising. It was neither terribly dark nor an hour. In fact, it was two hours of gloom punctuated by levity. This fact precluded the creation of a strong opening or adequate resolution. Without structured/emotional release a film is unsatisfying. Gary Oldman in superb and I could only see Churchill; a rare feat and my pick for Oscar.

Other notes.  I hated the zoom outs to the sky. Something about their use was illegitimate to a period piece. As it is a British film, I am always amazed at the plethora of distinctly different accents and how they are all pulled off with ease.  Yet, in this case, there were also several noticeable lisps or stutters- Halifax and The King. Both were done with aplomb.

3.7 out of 5 -Gary Oldman is that spectacular. 

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