Friday, November 10, 2017

Sydney White (2007)

Lenny: Did they really make you sing Celine Dion?

Short:  Don't. Just don't. I watched this and this now makes me part of the problem.

Long: So Sydney White (SW) is basically a rebuke to originality and a cliche wrapped in banality and soaked in stock bromide. Yet here it is. It exists. It had producers, actors, musicians who all worked to make something that has so clearly been done before. I cannot exactly say why. The strange thing about having now watched it on Netflix is to consider that SW is just as out of date now as it was to my own college experience 10 years ago. (Go MAC!!) My really only thought was that there was some idea that if they made a Snow White illusion into a 15 year old girl's expectations of what going to college would be like and threw in Revenge of the Nerds for -ya know- its morals. Yup.

2.0 out of 5. 

*oh and I would like to actually praise Jeremy Howard for a shining performance. IMDB

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