Saturday, November 11, 2017

Baywatch (2017)

Summer Quinn: Did you just, uh, look at my boobs?
Matt Brody: I… was not my intention. I didn’t, uh, stare directly at them.
Summer Quinn: You’re looking at them right now.
Matt Brody: Now I did, because you’re talking about them.

Short: Eye candy-slanted towards the ladies, bawdy jokes, and nothing else. Nothing.

Long: I'm glad I was trapped on a plane for this. I would have stopped watching if I had really had a serious choice. Basically, I think Baywatch was destined to be rebooted. The formula is crazy simple. The expectations of the target audience  are low. Quality acting talent is not a prerequisite, and filming is cheap; No CGI. No difficult sequences. Any beach will do. Any back office or standard location will do. Cheap.  Oh and you don't need quality writers.  B+ grad is AOK.  So, in someways Baywatch was a perfect movie. It aspired to very little and met or even exceed expectations. (because they were very low.) Know thyself -An Baywatch clearly did.

Point 1: The Rock was clearly the best actor in this nonsense. Not even close. Give him a little more acting respect please.
Point 2: Zac Efron is too jacked now. It's strange and gross- this is personal opinion.

1.7 out 5 

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