Sunday, September 24, 2017

Beauty and the Beast (2017)

"This was the Paris of my childhood." (Belle)
"I let her steal in my melancholy hear. It's more than I can bear." (The Beast)

In short, despite some truly inspired additions/subtractions, this remake lives in the shadow of its animated forebear. A few new songs, a good cast, and nostalgic "prettiness" just don't cut it.

This was a cash grab: pure and simple. So right away, you can know that I will judge the film harshly. Beauty and the Beast was not made out of spite or malice and it was clearly made with the best intentions and some joy. But its core is still economic in nature.  And, that is a strike against.

What struck me was the decisions on what to include and what to leave out of the dramatisation of a cartoon, and thus the difference between 1991 and 2017. How have we the audience changed and how did the creators look to meet our new needs with the same story 25 years apart?

Here's run down of what I saw:

  1991 2017 Difference Reason
The Beast Brooding, arrogant, a little scary, but not necessarily repentant.  The same as before, but more self sacrificing, and genuine Dan Stevens was a great Beast, bringing more humor and bluntness to his decision to let her go.  I think in 25 years we recognize that we too have The Beast inside us. 
Gaston Vile and manly to a tee Still toxically manly, but now in a sad post-war agression sort of way.  His depravity is more relatable in this way, his motivations of rage and greed more understandable, but less forgiveable. The ability for "men" to just be "men" without reason, at least US society, has diminished and thus his actions need justification. In the past, they didn't.
La Fou A Toady's Toady A fawning, if gay, admirer eventually disenchanted. Josh Gad is great. And the gay subtext.  1. I think this is just a nod to LGBT inclusion from the producers. Etc.
2. I think the subtext existed in the orignal but now it woul seem strange to not acknowledge it. #Progress 
Maurice a quacky inventor -absent minded a loving father, who taught his daughter courage and smarts.  Kevin  Kline. And a greater backstory The original actually doesn't build up the story of father and daughter and it is an important one. 
Songs A+ Impressions +sparkling new additions The originals are generally better. The 1991 and 2017 ones are.  I think in the quest to make  2017 different they strayed into homage. 
Backstory Very little quite a lot 25 years of questions. Also, people take actors more seriously than cartoons.  It's not exactly enough to provide just a pretty story. Now audiences want context. 

Outcome: 2 out of 5 stars. I recommend the original. But, you could do much worse than see this remake.

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