Sunday, September 24, 2017

Spiderman: Homecoming (2017)

Favorite Line(s)

New format:

Short pithy synopsis mean to bite and be catchy

What it made me think about.

Peter Parker: But I'm nothing without this suit!
Tony Stark: If you're nothing without this suit, then you shouldn't have it.

Duality: An honestly weak direct plot that was strained by the confines the greater universe in which it inhabits. In contrast, a strong character arc, pithy ancillary characters, and decent jokes made for a passable if unremarkable movie going experience.

While I appreciate a call out to an earlier popular work, sometimes it can be too blatant. I love Ferris Bueller, but the homage seemed too family guy for me. What I found very interesting about Homecoming was it's overall emphasis on the forgotten elements of the movies we've all been watching as a part of the MCU- The clean-up crew, contractors, suburban parents, unpowered teens, kids in gym, even Happy. And it kind of reminded me of the tales of Hercules, he should be a GOD -aka an Avenger- but upon an invitation to Olympus he returns to be mortal. (Yes, Tony Stark is Zeus in this metaphor.)  There's even an Icarus corollary in the winged villain in the Vulture.

Thumbs up on:
Tom Holland
Jacob Batalon 

Thumbs down on:
Product Placement -aka Legos
Use of the Romones as credit footage. 
-I know that it fits, but the HARD no.

As I know that "Homecomings" are a particularly American (Canadian, too?) foreign markets and audiences understand what was going on?

2 stars: No need to see, but enjoyable.

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