Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Fiddler on the Roof (1971)

"But on the other hand..." (Tevye)
"What's wrong with being rich?" (Tevye)

Given its status as a cultural touchstone, it seems strange that I had never seen Fiddler on the Roof until now. But, this was my first experience.

So as newb, I learned 3 things about Fiddler on the Roof. 1: The script and jokes of Fiddler are awesome.  "May god bless and keep the Czar...far away from us."  2: The songs are beautiful. "Drink, L'chai-im to life!" and 3: Fiddler on the Roof is really really sad.  The larger meaning that I took away from the film was that Tradition is Tradition is Tradition and changes with time.  

I would like to see the full musical theater production someday.  I assume it might be very similar to the movie version.  

On a scale of lutefisk to gefilte fish, I give Fiddler on the Roof 4.0 out of 5 stars.     

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