Friday, June 6, 2014

Pompeii (2014)

"Are those abs real? they couldn't be....wait they are!" (Me)

I will try to keep this short. Pompeii is abysmal and two steps short of an atrocity to film.  Kit Harrington's noble efforts to market this stinkbomb as palatable are just that: noble but futile.  The highlight of Pompeii is, in fact, Kit's ridiculous 8 pack and the magic of how he manages to always be glistening with sexy oil sweat.

The best wise crack of the group watching was clearly: "Hey, I've been doing it wrong all these years.  The way to woo a woman is to mercy break the neck of her horse with your hands.  Got it."

On a small high note, I will give the director and writers credit for attempting to return to a bygone era of disaster films. I appreciate films that are true tragedies. It's unfortunate that the Pompeii team failed so miserably.  I also had no idea what all the eagle imagery was about.  (Foreshadowing of war?)    

On a scale of British actors playing classical roman roles to American actors playing classical roman roles, I give Pompeii 1.7 out of 5 stars.  


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