Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Gandhi (1982)

"They may torture my body, break my bones, even kill me, then they will have my dead body. NOT MY OBEDIENCE!" (Gandhi)

"If you are a minority of one, the truth is the truth." (handhi)

"You don't think we're just going to walk out of India!" (Brigadier)
"Yes. In the end, you will walk out. Because 100,000 Englishmen simply cannot control 350 million Indians, if those Indians refuse to cooperate." (Gandhi)

Epic is the only proper term for Gandhi.  I literally can't remember a film since Kurosawa's The Seven Samurai that was so long, intricate, captivating that it could get away with having an intermission.

On the whole, my review is simple.  You should all see it.  If you have seen it.  See it again.  Take the 3 and half hours and use it to think.  If you have children over the age of say 12-13 who could sit through the whole film, they should watch it too.

Now for some fun.  On this viewing, I notice a great deal more.  The cast is so deep with talent.  That I noticed very young stars to be:

Daniel Day Lewis is the racist South African bully who wants to push Gandhi into the dirty street

John Ratsenburger:  Yup, the guy from cheers and the voice of so many Pixar films plays a sergeant that escorts Candice Bergen (Murphy Brown)

Bernard Hill (King Theoden from The Lord of the Rings) is just a lowly lackey for some officer with a silly hat.

Martin Sheen spreads the word as an NY times reporter

Virtually every Indian actor used in Indiana Jones and Temple of Doom.  Its sad that these wonderful actors, excepting in the case of Gandhi, are relegated to obscurity in America except in the case of camp and stereotypes about India.

Stand outs from Gandhi include:
Roshan Seth
Amrish Puri
Saeed Jaffery
Alyque Padamsee

Each of you was amazing.

On a scale of Richard Attenborough as old crazy tycoon who builds himself a Jurassic Park to Richard Attenborough winner of best picture and best director for a historical epic about the non-violent independence of India, I give Gandhi 4.1 out of 5 stars.



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