Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Way Way Back (2013)

"Please let your lady friend know that this conversation was entirely about her." (lifeguard, Sam Rockwell)

Sometimes it must be freeing to abandon all the rules. To just throw away everything that gives structure and meaning in favor of a swampy amorphous elegy to growing up and abandonment takes commitment and hutzpah.  The Way Way Back focuses on all the truly squishy, insipid, malaise that goes along with being a Tween with divorced parents. It eschews plot, story, timelines, and much much more to achieve its goals.

The one thing that I would put forth as a wonderful tactic to prove emotional points is the constant use of music and background noises.  There are few, if any, scene in The Way Way Back that are devoid of louder than average music.  The waves crash into the soundscape in unexpected locations throughout the film.


Steve Carrel:  I like that you can pull of reasonably well intentioned douche bag

Sam Rockwell: I actually think this might be your greatest role

Monkeys on the beaches of Georgia:  Skip it while there.  See it later

Movie Makers:  See it, the commitment to lack of story is incredible

Water Park Enthusiasts:  See it

On a scale of Pop to Lock, I give The Way Way Back 3.9 out of 5 stars.    

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