Saturday, October 6, 2012

Network (1976)


Huh?  So that was Network?  Huh?  I get it.  I get it.  But strangely, I'm not sure that one can ever "get" Network, and that may be part of its brilliance.

Yes, I generally agree with Network's admirers in that it may, in fact, be worthy of a top 100 AFI listing.  It is that good.  But, what astounds me is that everyone seems to agree, quote, drone, and repeat like the "sheep" that are the point of the movie.  From my perspective of having watched it for the first time in 2012, I am struck not by its satire or absurdity, but by its commitment to truth.  The ultimate absurdity of the film is that what was then considered risque, unprofessional, and a breach of character is now passe.  This movie  has become the very "Mad Prophet" that it was intended to lampoon: the first harbinger of what mass consumed communitainement would become.  A Generation Y audience, would probably agree that what happens in this very film is exactly what goes on at a Communications Corporation.  Truth or no Truth.  It's scary stuff.


Fox News: look into the mirror

CNN:  Look into your future

Real news men:  See it and weep

Ever wanted to break your perspective?:  See it

Actors:  See it  (Every performance is incredible.)

On a scale from TRUTH to turth, I give Network 4 out of 5 stars.  

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