Saturday, December 31, 2011

Sixteen Candles (1984)

I propose that my perspective on this movie is probably jaded.  I was born in 1984.  I am not a girl.  I just might have trouble identifying with the horror Molly Wringwald's experiences on her 16th birthday.  This film has been on people's lists of classics since I can remember people having lists of classics.  Hence, my expectation level with this movie may have been off kilter.  My true favorite characters were John Cusack and his geek buddy.  Their knowing glances and unison thought processes were a nice touch.  I also like Paul Dooley in basically any role.  But unfortunately, this movie played on me like a damp old pair of slippers.  They may have been the best thing ever once upon a time...but now they sit in the closet getting musty.  Anthony Michael Hall was pretty good, but this movie just makes his breakfast club performance a variation on a theme.  Lastly, the character of Long Duck Dong was "funny", but ultimately not essential to the plot, and a huge huge huge Godzilla size stereotype.


Bill and Ted back in time in 1984:  See it

Went to High School anytime between 1981 and 1990:  Saw it

Retro-Party People:  See it

Uptight with high moral standards: Skip it

Curious about high school life before the internet:  See it

On a scale of "horrible cliche Teen sex romcoms" to "insightful commentary on 1980's high school tribalism, I give Sixteen Candles 2.6 out of five stars.  (If this were 1984, I might give it 3.5....)

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