Saturday, May 27, 2017

From Russia With Love (1963)

"Red wine with fish. That should have told me something." -James Bond

Night 2 of 25.

I think we all just have to agree that James Bonds are ludicriously sexist -I am assuming a little less so as they move forward in time, so I don't think that I will belabor the point for each and every film. Just be aware both as cultural artifact and history that these films were/still are, to a degree, a reflection of society and its values. -These films would be downright progressive for 1920 and look ridiculous from a gender perspective in 2017.

From Russia With Love was by far and away a better film than Dr. No. Fact. The acting is better, the plot is more understandable, the story less ludicrous, and  of course there is the introduction of gadgets from Q branch.

First, as I had never seen FRwL before.  I really thought that they might, I dunno, go to Russia. *Spoiler -90% takes place in Turkey. I don't know why this was disappointing but it was.

Second, I actually like the whole -put a face(s) to the enemy bit, that goes on with the handcat man (#handcatman) and his agents, Rosa Klebb and Kronsteen. A lot of other Bonds in the future make a point of one villain with one task, but FRwL really sets up a hierarchy of evil. Well done.

Third, poison knife shoes, exploding briefcases -with hidden knives and gold, are pretty cool.

Fourth, the more films I see with Robert Shaw, the more I wish he was in everything.  He looks strange blonde, but pulls off the stone-hearted assassin very well.   Now, we should all go watch The Sting and Jaws.

Finally, The sexy gypsy wrestle for a man battle was too much. It was like the plot of porn that wanted a story, but didn't want to pay any writer. Foreign man has dinner with Gypsies; Sexy wrestle to the death ensues between two ladies; Death interrupted by raid; Then as payment for bravery, foreign man gets to spend the night with both girls, deciding who is worthy.  This is a very strange orientalist fantasy the writers James Bond have.

On a scale of periscope into the USSR embassy to double secret dual agents who react to code words, I give From Russia With Love 3.1 out of 5 stars.

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