Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Pathfinder (2007)

"They know nothing of our spring." -Ghost

A part of me always kind of wanted to watch Pathfinder.  I like Karl Urban. I appreciate battle movies with swords and who doesn't want to watch first peoples vs vikings?  Silly, unnecessary, and historically untrue: fact.

I will take this moment to call out that I want to see Karl Urban in all the things and I don't understand why he isn't getting more leading man roles. Even in this schlub of an action film he acquits himself nicely.  I wish his neo-future cyber replicant cop drama was still on the air. Yes, he gets to be Bones in every new Star Trek movie.  But, I want more. -even in Chronicles of Riddick when he wields that absurd vibro-electic ax.

I also stumbled upon that Pathfinder (2007) is actually a supped up remake of Pathfinder (1987) -which was nominated for an Academy Award for best foreign film. After reading the synopsis, I surmise that some writers loved the original and pitched a remake in North America with First Peoples and Vikings.  I bet they also promised more swords and fight sequences.  Ughhhhh.

So now that I understand Pathfinder (2007) to be unoriginal, I can truthfully state that I was happier and enjoyed this movie up until I watched it. (excluding Karl Urban). Very little is as sad as an action movie built on solid bones, but bereft of life.

On a scale of pillaging to looting, I give Pathfinder (2007) 2.2 stars out of 5.   

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