Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Internship (2013)

"We put it on the line..." (Billy McMahon)
"Chang your vocab, they're muggles." (Neha Patel)

Right, so my review of The Internship is predicated on basically one fact: -I didn't see it at full price.  In fact I didn't even see it for the standard $3 at the cheap theater.  I saw it for $2 on Tuesday when the theater was even cheaper.  If you were one of the few who saw it for full will probably not agree with what I am about to type:  The Internship was very very funny.  It far exceeded the $2 I payed in laughter value alone.  Was it a good movie?  No, not really.

In some ways I would hope to be making The Internship someday.  Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson are "old timer" by today's standards (That make me old too.) and for them to still be able to pull out the comedy on this level is impressive.  Did they pull off relevancy, youth, vitality, or any sort of non-absurdist tropes?  No. Does that matter to anyone but critics and Internet crazed youths?  Probably not.  I aspire to be at a point in my career where I can just make comedy and not care about the demographics or the details.

On to the META stuff.  The Internship is actually far more poignant than I  might have given it credit for.  I thought that it was really true the way that high intensity well educated millenials interact in pressure situations.  Oh and the that they speak in a language that is all their own, is also true.  YOLO.

As to the knock that The Internship is really just a big commercial for Google.  Isn't Top Gun just a big commercial for The Navy and or Airforce?  So?  Just think about how ridiculous and time capsule-like The Internship will be in 20 years when Google is gone and the current generation has no conception of what the internet was.


Aasif Mandvi:  Way to get back on the horse after Avatar: The Last Airbender.

Max Minghella:  You are an impeccable "douche" on screen.

Always have to BE RIGHT?:  Skip it.

Jeggings:  Couldn't find you in the cast or unaccredited cast.  Would love to give you a shout out.

Will Ferrell and John Goodman:  You're both big stars and yet neither of you are credited with being in The Internship.  What's up with that?

On a scale from The Internet to 1988, I give The Internship 3.1 out of 5 stars.

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