Friday, July 19, 2013

Willow (1988)

"Prepare for the ritual!" (Queen Bavmorda)
"I will own these lands, and you're gonna end up working in the mines. pbha" (Burglecut)
"Blackroot: puts hair on your chest." (Madmartigan)
"The last thing that she wants is a hairy chest!"  (Willow)

Sometimes movies are just a treasure of the past.  They remind us that we currently live in what was the future.  (It's almost 2015, Back to the Future II.  Where's my hoverboard?)

Willow is wonderful example of movie that reached too high, braved slightly too much, and was a success for having broken into the previously unknown.  However, Willow will not have the same impact as it once did.  Watching Willow in today's cinematic climate puts it in the rearview mirror looking back.  The joy and spectacle of  Willow was in looking forward.

OK; Adult commentary complete. Begin little kid commentary.......NOW!

That was the best movie ever!  Did you see those trolls and that two head fire monster? They were amazing and they totally went "blurghpphhhhhhhhhhhhh",  and madmartigan was all like "chaching kaching ptwing" (Several air-sword swings) with his sword up the stairs.  My favorite part the sled escape.  It was so huge and fast.  I could totally ride a sled like that and still end up a snowball at the end.  (mime steering a sled.)  OH and the army of pigs and the brownies that turned into baby pigs.


Ron Howard and George Lucas:  People gave you money because of your vision from Star Wars and Cocoon to let your imaginations run wild in an amazing new world.  Thanks!

Kevin Pollak:  You as a Brownie:  Priceless

Swordsman:  Skip it. Fine I admit it.  Madmartigan is not the greatest swordsman who ever lived.

Jean Marsh:  Upstairs Downstairs and the Evil Queen Bavomorda

Kids:  Must list

On a scale of angel dust to pixie dust, I give Willow 3.74 out of 5 stars.  

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