Saturday, May 11, 2013

Iron Man 3

"It's limited edition."  (Tony Stark)

Sometimes you just don't understand a movie immediately.  They hammer you over the head with a theme and powerful imagery, and all you see is explosions.  I saw Iron Man 3 a week ago and I think I only just get it now.

It was hard to not see that Tony Stark was suffering from PTSD after "New York" from the Avengers -which now that I think about is not a very subtle 09/11/01 illusion.  So, I went back and put my political metaphor hat on and reexamined my memories of this movie.  Originally, I thought Iron Man 3 rather dumb and a completely worthy part 3 to the Iron Man branded franchise.  However, with close examination I actually rather agree with the treatise presented by the story and the director.  Once it was revealed that Ben Kingsley aka the Mandarin, is actually just an actor and that AIM is controlling the dispersal and supply of terror to further their own economic interests;  I think I finally understood Iron Man 3.  The big and totally subtle....but somehow I missed it for a week, point of Iron Man 3 is that conflict is profitable and our system begets cyclicality and duplicity with regards to fear, war, and the money and power that flow alongside it.  I also now see that Tony's use of "drones" was a rather not heavy handed illusion to current political and social concerns about the production and banality of war.  That Tony destroys his drone army at the end of the movie I believe highlights the intentions of the directors and producers.

I thought it shallow and appropriate.  Turns out it Iron Man 3 is deeper and worthy of political discussion.


William Sadler:  I love you in basically everything.  Nice job as the President.

Ben Kingsley:  I've seen you in some amazing things, and some true stinkers.  I've never been more impressed with your silliness and ability to pull of comedy.  Great Job.  This does not make up for Prince of Persia 2 or the Love Guru.

Politicos:  See it

Hulk:  SMASH!!!

Small Tennessee town city council members:  Don't see it.  Your town is destroyed by fire breathing people and FEMA does not cover that.

On a scale of Warmachine to Iron Patriot, I give Iron Man 3 3.3 out of 5 stars.  

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