Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Lockout (2012)

"What's in there?" - Maggie Grace
"Motor Oil" - Guy Pierce

I sort of wonder who was in charge of the idea development of Lockout because it seemed that there were huge gaps between idea and execution.  The sales pitch and elevator speech for this movie is epic.

"Imagine if you will the board room where Lockout is to be given the green or red light.
-man walks in to room filled with haughty executives.
MAN:  Gentleman, I have two words for you, SPACE PRISON
-man drops the mic and walks out.
Movie gets the green light."

It is simultaneously a scathing indictment of the movie industry and a triumph of marketing that films like Lockout exist.  Someone figured out that there were enough fans who like the idea of movie about a riot on a space prion, and that enough of those fans would be swayed to spend money to see such a movie, and that an even smaller percentage would spend slightly more on the movie (merchandise..etc.) that the movie would make money.  (and it will.)

So way to go marketing team and well done writers who worked off of what I can only imagine was a powerpoint presentation that outlined the broad strokes of the film.  Lockout is OK.

Artists:  Skip it
Visionaries:  Watch something else
Guy Pierce:   Way to work with what you got.  See it
Space Thieves:  Obviously
Fans:  I don't think there were any but..ok watch it again

On a scale of trying to be marginal for success, and trying to succeed and failing, I give Lockout. 2.4 out of 5 stars.

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