"You need to eat."-Juno
Oh man, Korean teenage pregnancy non-romcoms either lose something in translation or are displaying a cultural norm that just goes well above or below my head.
-Oh yeah, I watch Korean teenage pregnancy dramas for funsies.
Culturally, I'm really not sure what I can say about teenage pregnancy in Korea. I am not Korean. I am no longer a teenager. But, I can comment on this film so,
1. This is an insane and hopeful but in no way realistic understanding of teenage pregnancy (@15!!).
a. Don't get me wrong. I am glad that this particular afternoon TV special made film didn't finish with the doom gloom scare tactics of previous generations, but I also just could not suspend my disbelief that Jenny and Juno at 15 stay together, raise their child, and everyone is happy.
2. I think it was supposed to be cute and endearing, but the mock wedding sequence for Jenny and Juno made me want to vomit.
a. Somehow a hastily prepared and yet clearly choreographed entrance from the ceiling by Juno filled with horribly gushy banners strew all over a middle school gym and a balloon drop that would make a Republican National Convention planner hide in shame didn't do it for me.
3. All you young actors in this movie: Park Min-je, Kim Hye-Sung, and many of the school kids were very good.
a. Adults in this movie were sad sad characterizations of Korean parents and adults in general. That is a somewhat pervasive trope when it comes to Korean comedies but...in this case I think it was not a benefit to the film.
Middleschoolers: Seeing foreign movies at your age is good
Korean Middle schoolers: Skip it (I never understood how any of you had time for movies anyway..so)
Parents of 15 year olds: Skip it
Balloon lovers: See it
Horrifying romantics: See it
On a scale of TEENAGE love to teenage LOVE, I give Jenny and Juno 2.4 out of 5 stars.
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