Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Jenny and Juno (2005)

"You need to eat."-Juno

Oh man, Korean teenage pregnancy non-romcoms either lose something in translation or are displaying a cultural norm that just goes well above or below my head.

-Oh yeah, I watch Korean teenage pregnancy dramas for funsies.

Culturally, I'm really not sure what I can say about teenage pregnancy in Korea.  I am not Korean.  I am no longer a teenager.  But, I can comment on this film so,

1.  This is an insane and hopeful but in no way realistic understanding of teenage pregnancy (@15!!).
   a.  Don't get me wrong.  I am glad that this particular afternoon TV special made film didn't finish with the doom gloom scare tactics of previous generations, but I also just could not suspend my disbelief that  Jenny and Juno at 15 stay together, raise their child, and everyone is happy.

2.  I think it was supposed to be cute and endearing, but the mock wedding sequence for Jenny and Juno made me want to vomit.
  a. Somehow a hastily prepared and yet clearly choreographed entrance from the ceiling by Juno filled with horribly gushy banners strew all over a middle school gym and a balloon drop that would make a Republican National Convention planner hide in shame didn't do it for me.

3.  All you young actors in this movie: Park Min-je, Kim Hye-Sung, and many of the school kids were very good.
  a. Adults in this movie were sad sad characterizations of Korean parents and adults in general.  That is a somewhat pervasive trope when it comes to Korean comedies this case I think it was not a benefit to the film.


Middleschoolers:  Seeing foreign movies at your age is good
Korean Middle schoolers:  Skip it (I never understood how any of you had time for movies
Parents of 15 year olds:  Skip it
Balloon lovers:  See it
Horrifying romantics:  See it

On a scale of TEENAGE love to teenage LOVE, I give Jenny and Juno 2.4 out of 5 stars.

Lockout (2012)

"What's in there?" - Maggie Grace
"Motor Oil" - Guy Pierce

I sort of wonder who was in charge of the idea development of Lockout because it seemed that there were huge gaps between idea and execution.  The sales pitch and elevator speech for this movie is epic.

"Imagine if you will the board room where Lockout is to be given the green or red light.
-man walks in to room filled with haughty executives.
MAN:  Gentleman, I have two words for you, SPACE PRISON
-man drops the mic and walks out.
Movie gets the green light."

It is simultaneously a scathing indictment of the movie industry and a triumph of marketing that films like Lockout exist.  Someone figured out that there were enough fans who like the idea of movie about a riot on a space prion, and that enough of those fans would be swayed to spend money to see such a movie, and that an even smaller percentage would spend slightly more on the movie (merchandise..etc.) that the movie would make money.  (and it will.)

So way to go marketing team and well done writers who worked off of what I can only imagine was a powerpoint presentation that outlined the broad strokes of the film.  Lockout is OK.

Artists:  Skip it
Visionaries:  Watch something else
Guy Pierce:   Way to work with what you got.  See it
Space Thieves:  Obviously
Fans:  I don't think there were any but..ok watch it again

On a scale of trying to be marginal for success, and trying to succeed and failing, I give Lockout. 2.4 out of 5 stars.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Oz The Great and Powerful (2013)

"Bully!!" -Tinkerers

Huh? Yeah. OK.  That works.  Cool.  I guess...respect.  (Seriously, that last nonsense actually best encapsulates my feelings about Oz The Great and Powerful. )

It had so many cool things and yet none of them quite fit together for me...yet it was OK.  I do find it extremely strange that the black and white of the intro was high def and resoundingly unold looking. It looked cool..but took me out of the story.  I loved Mila Kunis's hat and character story...but I hated her wicked witch makeup.  (Maybe they were trying a little bit too hard to look like Almira Gulch aka Margaret Hamilton?)  I loved Zach Braff...I wasn't too fond of the flying monkey messenger.  The China girl was amazing.  Sometimes movies just do things right.  The voice, the actions, and interactions with our characters were perfect.  Unfortunately, this movie has also moved Rachel Weisz over the line from actors that I tolerate to actors that I don't like very much.  She could surprise me with her next several roles.


Color fiends:  See it

Stage Magicians:  Skip it

James Franco:  See it...but please try to do better.  (Not intended as flack...)

Sam Raimi:  Think about how you motivated your too can do better

Dates:  See it

On a scale from flying monkeys to flying monkeys in space, I give Oz The Great and Powerful 3.48 out of 5 stars.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Argo (2012)

"Argo fuck yourself." (Many people)

"It offends the intended audience." (John Goodman)
"Who is the intended audience?" (Ben Affleck)
"People with eyes." (John Goodman)

I wanted to like Argo.  It has everything I like: history, spys, intrigue, languages, sci-fi, sunglasses, John Goodman, Bryan Cranston, great suspense, AKA as I knew this was the Academy Award best picture of 2012, I was pleasantly optimistic.

Argo was good, but nothing special.  There's nothing wrong with it.  I even have to give a huge thumbs up to Ben Affleck's directing ability.  Given this story, I could envision so many ways that Argo could have fallen flat.  It didn't.  Way to go.  A story about using a fake 70's sci-fi film to rescue trapped people has all the story hallmarks of a comedy (Like think Bill Murray in The Man Who Knew Too Little.)  But, in BA's hands it is, in fact, a reasonably thrilling and suspenseful story that holds the view attention.

There were some technical elements to the production that were also worthy of praise.  The pacing of cuts during "suspenseful" sequences was perfect.  The wrong pacing and timing of shots can ruin a mood instantaneously.  And while the music was nothing particularly special, it was the perfect thing to add thrill and excitement to what otherwise might not be a whirlwind escape.

Maybe it was because I knew they succeeded?


Spys:  See it clandestinely
Canadians:  See it with pride.  Pride I tell you.
Kiwis:  Pass
Zoltan the merciless Ruler of the Omniverse:  Skip it
Politicos:  See it

On a scale of Revolution to Evolution, I give Argo 3.8 out of 5 stars.