Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Good Will Hunting (1997)

I'm always sort of astounded that Ben Afleck and Matt Damon won an Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay.  It's very strange  because the screen play for Good Will Hunting is absurdly good, and I like Matt Damon and tolerate Ben Afleck (I saw Gigli.) so my inability to process that THEY won an Oscar defies logic.  There was one technical point that I notice this time.  I'm not sure if it was the editor's or the director's decision to include so many pillow shots of Boston to act as interludes but, I found them annoying.  Additionally, I didn't like Minnie Driver in this role.  I know she was nominated for an Oscar for it, but.....meh.

Good Will Hunting is now 15 years old.  It is not new or ground breaking.  It has been copied and parodied many times, (perhaps too many times.) However, it is a probably will always be a movie that is worth watching on just about every level.  Some movies reach.  Some movies pander.  Audiences and I seem to enjoy watching movies succeed at their goals.  Good Will Hunting reached its very high goal and for that it should be applauded.


Southies:  See it

Therapists:  See it

Know it alls:  See it

Poker Players:  Skip it

MIT gradates:  Skip it

On a scale of Gigli to Dazed and Confused, I give Good Will Hunting, 4.00000001 out of 5 stars.  

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