Sunday, May 12, 2019

Django Unchained (2012)

Image result for django unchained

Calvin Candie: You, sir, are a sore loser. 
Dr. King Schultz: And you are an abysmal winner.

I like Tarantino films. I'd be saving this one. Lot's of people, who's opinions I respect, say this is one of his better films. And after watching, I admit that anything Tarantino directs rises of above schlock and into serious consideration. And the quality is HIGH. Unfortunately, when I compare Django Unchained to this other films, pre and post. It's not one I would revisit.  Top class, not top shelf.  Perfectly reasonable to disagree. 

Here's why? 

  1. It's too self-aware
    1. There are times and films where lines/decisions that slightly break the 4th wall or are taken for the gratification of the audience are wonderful. I think that Django proved a little too serious to benefit from those call outs unlike say "From Dusk till Dawn". 
  2. Incongruous music
    1. Having recently revisited Reservoir Dogs, where in a 1990s movie has a 1970's soundtrack. I love it. Even a Knight's Tale weirdly works. And I admit that "I've Got a Name." does capture an emotion...I don't think that's the bar for Django. Era or even closer era music might have been a step up.  This all a long way of saying that the song choice broke my beta mode of watching Django. 
  3. The feeling of a lack of research
    1. I am not questioning that Quentin Tarantino didn't do research in preparation for Django, I just think -emphasis on the think-that it involved more watching 1950-70's Westerns and 1970 Blacksploitation films. He's done this before. Unfortunately, Django might have benefited from slightly more era specific understandings.  Maybe he did. But, I didn't feel like it. (ahhhh feelings.)
There was much to love though.
  1. I think this might be my favorite Sam Jackson performance. 
  2. Leonardo DiCaprio was lost in the performance. And that was the amazing thing. 
    1. It's very compelling to see racism depicted not as pure cruelty but cruelty in the amoral pursuit of capital and the defense of the status quo.  There is no other way. Racism/slavery IS the only option and cruelty is the only process to achieve perpetuity.  "Candyland will be here forever."
  3. Jamie Foxx's outfits. -great costuming. 
4.0 out of 5 stars. 

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