"It must be done in Scoooouuuunnnne!" -Robert the Bruce
Outlaw King is a waste of basically everything except:
- Male Nudity
- Drone Footage for www.travelscotland.com
- Decent sword-wielding extras
I am of the firm opinion that actors can transcend time, location, and culture; and that there shouldn't be a difference between American and European actors. We all have the same abilities on paper. Unfortunately, Chris Pine -while generally being a competent actor- has not mastered the Scottish accent of the era. It's painful.
Outlaw King has the potential as a concept to be a wonderful story...but on a grand scale of a (mini)series or conversely on a small scale, like only covering the last battle. The decision to middle ground for Outlaw King was a mistake. We go no passion and a very broad confusing story.
2.0 out of 5 stars -editing and drone footage were great.