Friday, April 27, 2018

Pitch Perfect 3 (2017)

Image result for pitch perfect 3
Calamity (Leader of Evermoist): I’m Calamity. This is Serenity, Veracity and Charity

My expectation meter was set to "Mole People" when I strapped in for PP#3 and to my delight it outperformed my prediction. #1 is cute an fun. #2 was execrable. #3 pulled the plane up and brought the franchise over the shark into the far green pastures of "maybe again in 20 years."

Is DJ Khalid really that big a deal? I mean I have heard of him, but in no way did I place him as a headliner for a USO tour.

In short, the Bellas fulfilled all sequel obligations, sang, had pretty good quips, and made a happy exit. Here's to decent producers (film and music).

Big points for me: John Lithgow's Aussie accent is either fantastic or Dick Van Dyke level buffoonish.  Either way...I'll watch basically anything with John Lithgow.  I always forget that he played the preacher against dancing in Footloose.  (He was only 37 then -I don't think I will be cast as a preacher with HS teenager daughters in 4 year.)

If you have agreed that "The Shark" is one's friend and you want to punch it in the nose in poor taste as you write over it, more power to you.

2.4 out 5 star. 

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