Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The Wedding Ringer (2015)

Image result for the wedding ringer
"You can hide a fat ass in some baggy pants, but you cannot hide a bad dancer." -Jimmy

I feel like this movie has been made before.  Nothing in it was new.  Nothing.  The best part is 20 seconds of Josh Gad dancing with Kevin Hart. Josh Gad has moves. Beyond that, and the occasional situational comedy laugh, nothing.  Nothing. Kevin Hart is funny.  I just can't really bring myself to like any of his movies or his movie banter. Not even, NFL greats Joe Namath, Ed "Too Tall" Jones, and John Riggins can save this disaster. Jorge Garcia and Aaron Takahashi, please be in more movies. In short, I do not recommend The Wedding Ringer on any level, but if you happen to be in the mood for a truly mediocre not bad enough to laugh at film at 2am on Thursday, have at it.

On a scale of The Wedding Singer to The Wedding Clinger, I give The Wedding Ringer 1.97 out of 5 stars.    

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