Saturday, September 13, 2014

Edge of Tomorrow (2014)

"Battle is the Great Redeemer.  It is the fiery crucible on which true heroes are forged." -Master Sergeant Farrell

I went into Edge of Tomorrow expecting to Tom Cruise die -a lot. If that is your only goal. See this movie.  He dies -a lot.  Unfortunately, there is a plot and a supposed point to this Run Lola Run with aliens on an Axis and Allies board. If I had the technology to go back and do my day over, I would not watch Edge of Tomorrow.

On a positive note, I usually detest Emily Blunt, but I must give adulation where it is due.  She is a far better actress then I give her credit for.

Now to the time loop gimmick: I was about to applaud the editing department, the director, and the continuity team of Edge of Tomorrow...right up until the last 15-20 minutes.  It was reasonably seamless the way they made repetition, consequences, and mis-matched timelines work together. I was happy. I was impressed.  Then, they just decided they didn't care any more and ended the movie with a unexplainable timeline inversion from the death of "Mother Brain". After effects from an event in an alternate neo-future do not have consequences on the past before they don't happen. Understood?

On a scale of a very small light weight dagger to a FF7 buster sword, I give Edge of Tomorrow 3.2 out of 5 stars.

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