Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Campaign (2012)

"Cam Brady:  He's a real man's man."  (Slogan of a Cam Brady commercial)

Welcome back Will Ferrell.  I know you never left, but....I didn't really laugh at some of you more recent movies so, welcome back to funny.

Yup, The Campaign is funny.  It is not particularly smart, timely, truthful, wistful, important, endearing, or worthy of my long term memory.  But it is funny.  I can't really think of a point in the movie that did not make me chuckle.  My theater going experience included a live laugh-track.

I would also like to see Jay Roach direct more movies.  I believe he has a wonderful natural eye for when to use unique camera angles and approaches.  The switch-over to "COPS shot" for when Cam Brady steals the police car was a stroke of genius.


Casting agents:  See it

Potty mouths:  See it

Chinese markets:  Skip it

Dog enthusiasts:  See it

Frank Capra: Skip it   (You would cry.)

On a scale of "my chad is hanging" to "this chad is pregnant with my son", I give The Campaign 3.45 out of 5 stars.

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